Welcome to the Lapham Peak Ski Club Membership Portal

Welcome to the Lapham Peak Ski Club membership portal. Here you can join the club, renew your membership, sign up for events, see exclusive member content and more.

Club Benefits

Your club memberships comes with some great benefits! Check out the current list on the the Membership page here.

Another Great Family Ski Day!

Our annual event for skiers of all ages was, as usual, a big success! There was a record number of people taking advantage of this free event - there was close to 200 participants and 50 volunteers. The loop at Lapham was transformed into a giant playground with chases and sled rides. We had a campfire with s'mores and there was even a snowmaking demonstration! Thanks to Lynda Stuber for once again putting together a great day!


A big thank you to all the people who gave of their time and energy to the club's training and educational opportunities this year. Thanks to them we were able to deliver higher-quality lessons and a greater quantity of training sessions.

Thanks for attending the Kickoff!

We had a great turnout for the Season Kickoff on November 9th. So nice to see so many people come out to celebrate the start of the new season and to honor our Heroes of Lapham Peak—Kris Maki, Paul Keber and Rita Keber—who have done so much to make Lapham Peak the skiing mecca that it has become. Once again, heartfelt thanks to them for their years and years of effort, dedication and sacrifice. And to all of you who were there! 

Due to technical difficulties at the event, tsome portions of our presentation had the audio missing. To make up for that we will be making those pieces available on YouTube.  You can find the first one here:

Back in the Day at heritage Ridge

We'll be posting photos of the event in the near future.

Also check out the videos our Platinum Sponsors have made below.

Platinum Sponsors

A special thanks to our Platinum Sponsors: Bicycle Doctor, Oconomowoc Realty, and Revere's. 

Bike Doctor video   |   Oconomowoc Realty video

Join the Club!

As a member or sponsor you become part of the largest Nordic ski club in Southeastern Wisconsin and will help to grow the sport here.

Individual Memberships

Individual memberships are $35 annually. You can opt for automatic renewal when you sign up. Click on the "Membership" tab above or click here to apply for membership.

About the Club:

It's been a short eight years since the first seeds of what is now the Lapham Peak Ski Club sprouted. In the fall of 2016 meetings were held and feedback was gathered to explore the idea. With the community solidly behind us we launched the new ski club formally the next year—as Over the Peak Ski Club. That year we began holding club events and began raising money to support the other organizations that are growing the next generation of skiers and making Lapham Peak a better place to ski. We now have over 300 members and reach over 1000 members of the community in a variety of ways. 

Each year we gain more members, begin more programs and raise more money—over $140,000 so far—in support of our mission.  This year is no exception. We are making a number of changes that will help to support the growth of the club into the future. 

Upcoming events

Lapham Peak Ski Club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  |  P.O. Box 180712, Delafield, WI 53018

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